Praia, Cape Verde 2024

Cape Verde is a country of islands off the coast of Africa. It received its independence from Portugal in 1975.

Today we visited Praia, its main port, capital, and largest city.

Allyn asked a gentleman on the street for help. He became our guide which added tremendous value to our day.

The street scenes were nice. We passed the usual main church, Supreme Court, and other interesting places.

A couple schools were seen and visited. (Cute kids)

They even have a Chinatown.

The highlight, though, was their seemingly endless markets.

Never have I seen shoes for sale piecemeal. The more upscale area had them by the pair.

The fruit and vegetable area seemed to have enough food to feed way more people.

We saw fish markets, and even a pig market. The lady in the chicken market did not allow photos.

We have spent about a month in Africa. What a unique, diversified place.

One Response so far.

  1. Rob says:

    Great pictures and commentary on Africa—You saw many more cities than we did—still don’t think I want to go back for anything other than Safari’s!! :):)

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